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Euro Zone Worries Intensify - Gold And Share Price Down

Political tension in Greece intensified concern about Europe's fiscal health.

The mood music is turning against Greece.
When the eurozone crisis first kicked off, the idea of letting Greece leave the eurozone (or ejecting it), was unthinkable.

European leaders weren’t allowed to speak of such things, for fear that those nasty speculators in the financial markets would get the wrong idea.
Now the gloves are off. The head of the leftwing party that came second in the weekend’s Greek election is declaring that the austerity programme needs to be ripped up.In response, the European Central Bank has politely but firmly said: “drop dead” (or words to that effect).

An exit for Greece is starting to look more likely than not. With the stock index at a 20-year low, investors certainly seem to be pricing in a return to the drachma.

Gold price move down due to fully speculation from US and Euro to keep printed money value but we notes that China is become biggest gold buyer now, gold can not be print and when come to a limit, trading may change to base on gold value when printed money is too many.


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