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KNM bull run may end soon

KNM had bull run for countinues 6 trading days and base on the chart the bull run may end soon. EPF had 8% in take in KNM and share buy back had > 1%.

Now only left 4 trading day before Kuala Terengganu election day on 17-Jan-09, from what I know my friend at KT said PKR ceramah always full of people compare BN ceramah and local media is not making any report about that.

I just worder what will happen to KLCI if KT win by PKR, be safe I think better take out all share in market before this fridays.


Elvis2020 January 12, 2009 at 4:41 PM  

KNM going UP very slow, compare to some penny stocks. I sold my KNM coz too slow moving and return so far only 20%. I may stay sideline and go for vacation first....

East Point Trading January 13, 2009 at 7:42 AM  

The price is drop below USD40 again, so I think KNM will stop bull up and KLCI will drop before KT election, It's time to stay away from share market.

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