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Foreign Investor turn buying again

18 Mar 2013 (Mon)

  1. Local Institution: RM9.2m Buy In
  2. Retail: RM2.10m Sell Out
  3. Foreign: RM7.10m Sell Out
19 Mar 2013 (Tue)
  1. Local Institution: RM17.3m Sell Out
  2. Retail: RM3.40m Buy In
  3. Foreign: RM13.90m Buy In  
20 Mar 2013 (Wed)
  1. Local Institution: RM111.8m Sell Out
  2. Retail: RM1.70m Sell Out
  3. Foreign: RM113.50m Buy In  

Sure something foreign investor know Malaysia share will move up after the election or they just know the result.


xignite March 26, 2013 at 8:17 PM  

I was searching for this .....thanks to post this nice article

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Unknown April 15, 2013 at 12:27 PM  

may i know where can we find the data above? would like to make some research. . tq :)

East Point Trading April 19, 2013 at 1:17 PM  

I get the data from the Sun newspaper ever day.

Anonymous July 21, 2013 at 12:54 AM  

This article is mind blowing. When I read this article, I enjoyed.

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