India, not Trump, is the real reason behind the crash in gold prices
If you have been puzzled about the crash in gold prices after Donald
Trump's election, you are in the company of almost every analyst and media
outlet i...
8 years ago
Axis Incorporation Berhad hired an investigating accountant few weeks ago. A friend working there asked me to buy Axis. But i am very scared coz market is correcting some more new may not be true. Any such news?
Thanks for sharing the info but I really no idea about this share.
Your friend wants you to take a loss ah? My friend work inside too. Let's say, in the movie they always show how people in business forging papers to get loans from the banks and eventually get into big problem. This kind of thing actually happen in the real world you know. Why you think South Asia Bank from Singapore is filing a liquidation act in the court to force loan payment from Axis. One thing that investigating account should do is look into the way those owners spending their money. A RM 3Million Italian Sport car is one of the place those missing money gone. Buying a problematic stock is like throwing your money into the lungkang....
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